Exceptional Children

Our Mission Statement

The Department of Exceptional Children for Person County Schools believes in the basic operational principle of providing a quality education to ALL children.  In collaboration with students, parents, regular educators, and our community partners, students with disabilities will be provided specially designed, research-based instruction.  By providing excellence in programming by highly qualified staff in the least restrictive environment, we will promote cognitive, physical, social, vocational, and emotional development.  The ultimate goal is for students to gain knowledge and access resources in order to successfully transition to higher education or a career to become productive and contributing citizens in society.


Transition from Part C to Part B (Infant-Toddler Program to School-Age Program)
Dana Faulkner, faulknerd@person.k12.nc.us, 336-597-2218 ext 24240

Program Specialists (K-12)
Allison Clauden, claudena@person.k12.nc.us,  336-599-6344 ext.18517

New to Person County Schools
Allison Clauden, claudena@person.k12.nc.us,  336-599-6344 ext.18517

Parentally Placed Private School Students
Kara Acree, acreek@person.k12.nc.us, 336-599-2191 ext. 22147

Related Services (OT/PT/Speech)
Beverly Hicks, hicksb@person.k12.nc.us, 336-597-2218, x 24230

Dispute Resolution
Kara Acree, acreek@person.k12.nc.us, 336-599-2191 ext. 22147

EC Director
Jenna Regan, reganj@person.k12.nc.us, 336-599-2191 ext. 22119

Tonya Peterson, petersont@person.k12.nc.us, 336-599-2191 ext 22151

Behavior Support
Eric Fitzgerald, fitzgeralde@person.k12.nc.us,  336-503-8071

Visual Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Adapted Physical Education
Beverly Hicks, hicksb@person.k12.nc.us, 336-597-2218, x 24230

Jenna Regan, reganj@person.k12.nc.us, 336-599-2191 ext. 22119