special called board meeting

The Person County Board of Education will hold a special called board meeting and public hearing on Thursday, February 22, 2024, between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room located at 304 South Morgan Street, Roxboro, NC. This meeting concerns the proposed consolidation plan of North Elementary (grades 3-5) and North End Elementary. Members of the public will be permitted to comment on the proposed consolidation plan in accordance with Board Policy 2310. 

Please be advised that this meeting and public hearing are intended solely to address concerns related to the proposed consolidation plan. Any comments regarding the proposed budget will not be heard or addressed during this meeting. Additionally, it's important to note that there will not be a vote on the consolidation plan on February 22, 2024. 

The agenda can be viewed here.

Each month, the first part of at least one regularly scheduled board meeting will be set aside for citizens to address the board through public comment. Each speaker will receive three (3) minutes to present comments; however, the public comment session will not exceed 30 minutes total except by a majority vote of the board. A sign-up sheet will be in hard copy form at the board meeting location and online at 8:00 a.m. the day of the board meeting for any individual or group to indicate their desire to address the board. Speakers must sign up no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting. Speakers must arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the board meeting to be oriented on the public comment protocols. Speakers must provide name, contact information, and topic. During the public comment period, the board chair will recognize speakers in the order in which they signed in. Substitute speakers will not be permitted and speakers may not donate any portion of their time to another speaker. If a speaker is unable to present all of his or her information within the specified time limit, the speaker may provide the board with the additional information in written form. If an unusually large number of people request to speak, a majority of the board may decide to reduce the time for each individual or to require the designation of a spokesperson for each group of persons supporting or opposing the same positions. At any time, the board may establish additional procedures to ensure that public comment sessions proceed in an efficient and orderly manner.

Click here on February 22nd to sign-up for public comment.

Person County Schools will continue to livestream the meeting for those who wish to attend virtually.   

Click here on February 22nd to view the meeting live.   

If you have questions about accessing the meeting virtually, please contact Tracy Scruggs, Public Information Officer, at scruggst@person.k12.nc.us